Horrible word, "culturalization". But what does it mean?
Taking games to Japan (and Asia in general) can often be challenging from a design/artwork point of view. In particular, gamers in the region are sensitive to characters, and often, character styles that work fine in the West do not go over well.
At Chorus, we take a sensitive approach to culturalization. Being cross-cultural specialists, we respect and admire the original artistry that goes into every game. Our goal is to ensure that when we see areas of a game that could act as a blocker to a game's success, we will work to address it to ensure that one area of a game does not detract from its overall appeal.
One example can be found in our Case Study.
Some more examples can be found below, for the store pages of MAG Games' Potion Pop!

If you feel that your game could benefit from a free review, don't hesitate to get in touch.